Student loan forgiveness is a defined employment benefit for workers in the nonprofit and public sectors, yet very few organizations treat it as such. Supporting your employees’ student loan forgiveness goals demonstrates keen understanding of their financial challenges and sends a message to your team that you are their partner in their mission to be free of student debt.*
Employers are invested in and support their team members’ well-being through retirement contributions, healthcare, insurance contributions, and other initiatives. Providing clear information about loan forgiveness has a powerful positive impact on employee’s financial health by helping with future financial planning, goal setting, and debt alleviation.
Most nonprofit employers cannot compete with private sector wages and rely solely on mission-drive and good will to recruit and retain talented employees. Student loan forgiveness is an unparalleled benefit that private sector employers cannot provide and represents an incredible competitive advantage in the context of ever-rising higher education costs.
*Clarity Consulting will help you with this, too.